Italy’s Ministry of Civil Protection reported Tuesday that 19,886 new cases of the disease have been confirmed, including 308 deaths, Euronetwork reported, citing the European Union news agency.
A total of 2,8684,435 cases have been confirmed, 96,974 have died and 2,375,318 have been cured.
The number of new cases in Italy rose by nearly 10% nationwide, with 41 provinces reporting more than 20% new cases, after four weeks of stabilization, the nonprofit medical research organization GIMBE said in its weekly report on the epidemic on Thursday.
This suggests that the viral variant novel coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Italy.
Italy’s National Institutes of Health said on Thursday that researchers have detected a novel coronavirus found in Britain and Brazil in the waste water of Perugia and Guardiagrele in the region of Abruzzo.
A novel coronavirus strain was found in the waste water samples of February 5 solstice8 in Perugia, Central Umbria region of Italy.
The Spanish variant was found in the waste water sample of Guardia Grele on January 21 and BBB 0 on January 26 in the Abruzzo region of southern central Italy.
Professor Pierluigi Lopalco, Puglia’s health commissioner and an epidemiologist, said it was necessary to close schools to avoid the third wave of novel coronavirus.
At present, schools are the most vulnerable link in the pandemic. With the spread of mutated viruses and the increase of underage infections, schools should use distance learning as much as possible to contain the spread of the epidemic.